
Crazy German File #2

So, my roommate thinks I suffer from a lack of oxygen. OK. I can deal with that. However, I've recently realized that she is a little OCD about floors.
We have a loose agreement to clean the floors every other week. Frankly, I think cleaning the floors every week is a lot, but I'm not going to argue. I do it one week, she does it the next. I observed early that she tends to clean midweek, so I have adapted her pattern. This week was my week. Monday she asked me, for the second time, if we should write down a floor cleaning plan. It's every other week, do I really need a plan? It's pretty simple. What I've learned though is that asking about a plan is her way of hinting that I should clean the floors--Two days before I really need to.
So, I cleaned the floors. All is fine and good. Then, this morning, as I was reaching into the cupboard to get my coffee out, I knocked a tea canister onto the floor. And tea went everywhere. Well, not exactly everywhere, but there was a fair amount of tea on the floor. I'm faced with a dilemma. My feet are planted and I can just finish getting the coffee I was reaching for, or I can drop everything and sweep up the tea. I chose to finish getting the coffee. Before I even had a chance to put the coffee back she had already swept up the tea.
Clearly someone has some issues with floors. It's curious though, this is the same woman that leaves some sort of rotting vegetation in the sink every time I clean them. Can anyone explain this to me? Or am I just living with the most bizarre person ever? If so, look forward to more stories.

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